Sistema di bloccaggio multiplo
Questo sistema di serraggio permette di bloccare contemporaneamente diversi pezzi da lavorare. Grazie a questa caratteristica, è particolarmente indicato per la produzione di lotti di grandi dimensioni. Gli elementi variabili, come il listello di base, la battuta e il morsetto a cuneo, consentono di bloccare pezzi con dimensioni diverse.
Multi-clamping system
Multi-clamping systems are mainly used for machining large workpiece batches. The system can be optionally set up for one or more workpieces. Depending on the workpiece size and clamping rail length, several workpieces can thus be clamped simultaneously. Due to the large component selection of the multiple clamping system (clamping rails, fixed jaws, wedge clamps and accessories) workpieces of different quantities and dimensions can be machined without problems and with optimised set-up times. The user can choose between single-sided or double-sided types of wedge clamps. The teeth on the clamping rails are precision-ground and guarantee secure and precise fastening of the fixed stops. By mounting several clamping rails along and across the table, the working area and the number of workpieces can be effectively optimised.